As an employer, manager, HR professional or even a thoughtful team colleague, you need to look after the employees’ well-being and optimal stress levels. When you also have international assignees in the mix this gets even more important!
Reducing the stress of moving abroad – Part 3: Fight
And we’re down to the last, most active stress-reducing strategies group. Let’s fight! Let’s take action to lead happy and fulfilling lives abroad!
Reducing the stress of moving abroad – Part 2: Flight
Stress – ooh this scary word that everyone denies. Stress can show itself in various forms – running around like a headless chicken, shouting at people, venting, crying. But it can also come out in the form of backing down, detaching yourself from the situation, acting like nothing happens. Although it does.
Reducing the stress of moving abroad – Part 1: Freeze
We experience stress in situations when we are faced with something challenging, where we don’t believe we’ve got enough resources to deal with it. These can be situations that are threatening, challenging or very emotional.
Expat stress explained
Are you thinking about moving abroad? Are you in the process of moving? Have you moved recently? Do you want to know what to expect?