Hello there! My name is Marta Zielinska. I’m very grateful for your visit on this blog and your commitment to getting more confident and comfortable when working and living abroad. If you’re not yet there with me, make sure to follow @projectabroadblog on Instagram! If you’re interested in working with me in a coaching capacity […]
Misconceptions about being an introvert
It seems like these days extroverts rule the world – would you agree? Everyone seems to attend 50 networking events per year, make speeches at TedTalks, record YouTube videos or run their own companies…
Why learn about cross-cultural communication?
Much can be said about the ‘soft skills trainings’, both good and bad. I’ve heard various things being said about cross-cultural skills training too. The research however shows clearly that increased cultural intelligence and intercultural skills have a whole range of benefits to the individual as well the organisations they work with.
3 tips from successful expats
I keep talking to numerous expats regularly and they are all sharing similar stories about what helped them adjust to their new home abroad. These tips seem to be working very well for expats who are young professionals and students moving abroad.
Three misconceptions about moving abroad
It often happens that other people rush us into something that we are not ready to do or admit, they expect more from us that we can give or they compare us to others. And it is very often not with bad intentions! However, the simplifications that we hear may affect our pace of adaptation […]
30 thoughts for 30 months of living in the UK
I have only just realised that it has been 30 months already since I first moved abroad. From the country I have lived in all my life (Poland) to the country I thought I knew relatively well after spending so much time in the English classes.
Want to move abroad but don’t know where to start?
You may be sitting there, thinking about how everyone else is travelling, setting up their own businesses, planning the new year, doing projects abroad, living abroad… You may be considering such a move abroad yourself and you may have various reasons for it – adventure, career development, following your partner during their project abroad.
5 things that surprised me in the UK
Moving abroad as we know is not an easy-peasy thing to do. We tend to underestimate especially the moves between the countries that on the surface seem similar (eg. Mediterranean countries batched together, or English-speaking countries like US, UK, Canada, Australia…, or Asian countries –can you even put all Asian countries into one category at […]
Things to do before a short trip abroad
Many of us travel for short trips frequently. Whether that’s within one country or internationally. In today’s globalised world travelling has become much easier, especially within Europe! So the question is – how to make the best out of those trips (both personal and business assignments)? How can you prepare beforehand to not waste time […]
What to expect when working with Polish people?
Polish people are hardworking, often look angry and drink a lot. These are stereotypes. But is there some truth in this? Is this something that can be explained? What’s it like to work with Polish people?