Another portion of articles on the topic of cultural differences, business, cross-cultural psychology and expat life. Some reads for current expats or expats-to-be have been listed on Expat Focus. Very interesting website for people who look for information on various aspects of moving abroad and starting a new life in a foreign place away […]
Cultural reads #3
As we’re heading towards the end of the week I’ve got another portion of some interesting reads! How to prevent Expat Stress – In the Expat Life category I’ve got a text from Carole, a wonderful and positive creator of Expat Child blog. I encourage you to also read her other articles – she doesn’t […]
Tips for better long-distance relationships with expats
Living away from home might be a difficult experience, especially at the beginning when you don’t quite know anyone, don’t know where everything is, don’t have rituals in place yet and in general you are still the new one. The role of friends and relatives in this transition period is crucial, so below you will […]
Cultural reads #2
I’ve got another portion of interesting resources for you. Enjoy! 🙂
Holiday and business in Turkey
Today I’d like to talk you through my experiences of a very short long-weekend visit in Turkey. If you’d like to learn about the highlights of my short trip to the Turkish coast – read on!
How can we use globalisation to our advantage?
I have recently read an article analysing all the negatives of our today’s global world, including losing national identity or spreading various diseases. Given my personal resolution to bring more and more positive psychology to my life I decided to rethink the topic and list three main things I value in globalisation as an expat.
Afternoon trip to Stonehenge
Can you imagine entering the magic world of druids, getting to know their secret spells, feeling the presence of the dead ancestors? Would you like to see the picturesque landscape with a circle of massive stones in the centre of it? Would you like to “touch” the history and really feel as if you travelled […]
Oz moments abroad
The moments of surprise and comparing things to our own culture is very common when living abroad. Oz moments are the ones that stay with us most. Want to learn more? Read on.
A piece of India in the heart of London
London is such a diverse city! Here is a short review of our trip to Europe’s first traditional Hindu Temple, in London of course.