Imagine a situation where you are standing in the room full of people during a networking event. You have just moved to this new city and are looking to get some new professional connections, which could possibly result in business collaboration soon. How will you approach the others? How will you start a conversation? How […]
The Culture Map – cross-cultural leadership
Leadership. A key to success in today’s business world. It seems like everyone knows what it means to be a leader, what skills to work on to be a better leader, how to work with people to be perceived as a good leader. But is it really?
The Culture Map – Evaluating scale. How to give cross-cultural feedback?
Giving constructive feedback has become an important skill in today’s business world. What does it mean to give a good feedback in a multicultural environment?
The Culture Map – Communication: Low and High context cultures
Low and high context cultures – what does that mean? How does England compare to Poland? What impacts country’s location on the communication scale?
The Culture Map – introduction
This post is for you if you would like to learn more about yourself in interaction with people from different cultures, enhance your cross-cultural communication skills and simply enjoy learning about the world!