On this sunny (at least in London :)) Sunday afternoon I’d like to share some interesting reads with you. As usual, you will find something interesting about Business, Psychology and Expat life.
Let’s start with business. Continuing on the Cultural Map series , I definitely encourage you to read some more of Erin Meyer’s blog as she shares some of her great insights there. The article about Mapping out cultural differences in a team talks about how you can approach managing a multicultural team by starting with mapping the cultures on one graph. It will of course not give you all the answers, but will trigger your thinking towards what issues might arise and how you can address them in a most effective way.
Reading time: ~5 min
The next article I want to recommend is not on an easy topic. Well, relocation is almost never easy so it kind of makes sense. It’s about an expat and change fatigue. Many of us experience difficulties dealing with the change, not only when relocating, but also with any work-related changes too. Here again it might be that our feelings (often hard to understand) are just overwhelming and we simply give up to them. It doesn’t need to be like that though! I recommend this read to learn something more.
Reading time: ~6 min
And to end this list, a rather light read from Psychology Today on Cross-cultural research and the nature of music. Incredible how much influence on such random parts of our lives does the environment we live in have!
Reading time: ~3 min
Hope you enjoyed this list and went on deeper into the references and recommendations of the above authors to learn even more!
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